Determination, pure grit and lots of passion are the principles that inspired Christian throughout his life and career. His love and passion for cars and racing began early in life. At the age of 4, he started competing in go-karts and never stopped since. Soon he became a professional driver, achieving, from 1993 to 2005, prestigious goals that repaid his great dedication and efforts. In 1995, alongside his driving activity he also began that of instructor. In fact, as Christian says,“My desire was to transfer to enthusiasts, amateurs and novice racing drivers my love for driving. I wanted to make available to them what I had learned firsthand during my car racing years. From 1995 to date, I worked as coach driver for several automakers and held safety and sport driving courses aimed at individuals and companies alike.In addition, as team manager, I directly supervise all young drivers’ activities and organize events where motoring lovers have at their disposal several road and racing cars”.
The course teaches how to cope with all conditions and control the car in all situations, while acquiring new skills for greater safety on the road
If you are a car enthusiast and your desire is to drive a racecar, or experience the performance of a GT car, the sport driving course is just the one for you.
Christian’s tasks include organizing, planning and managing the activities of professional drivers
I’d like to make all car enthusiasts experience, even just once, the thrill of driving the car of their dreams